Arizona Governor Jan Brewer enacted another law for life May 4 when she signed a bill that will prevent taxpayer funding from paying for abortions, essentially putting Planned Parenthood out of the abortion business in the state. In states where such legislation has been passed, Planned Parenthood has sued to restore its windfall, and has seen some initial success as, for instance, when a federal court recently blocked the funding ban in Texas as a Planned Parenthood lawsuit against the measure goes forward.

As for the Arizona measure, the states Whole Womans Health Funding Priority Act (H.B. 2800) will cut off abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood from funding designated for family Planning. “The bill is based on model legislation developed by the Susan B. Anthony List and the Alliance Defense Fund, and prioritizes family planning funds away from abortion-centered businesses like Planned Parenthood to entities that provide women with comprehensive health care,” reported ‘The measure prohibits the state or any local government from using public money to contract with an organization that includes abortions.”

Source: The New American