An ICE-PAC Christmas
The Infancy Narrative of Baby Jesus is central to the Christmas Season. With this true and beautiful story, we can reflect on the birth of Christ in a more meaningful way.
Unlike the Infancy Narrative, the narrative Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby present, especially during the election season, is directly contrary to truth and beauty. Sadly, this narrative vilifies legislators and candidates who stand for life.
Your support of our mission will allow us to put forth a beautiful and truthful narrative that defends more pro-life legislators and candidates from the onslaught of false and demeaning ads. Your support will also allow us to show key voting blocks that those candidates and legislators who stand with the abortion lobby are the real extremists; out-of-touch with the basic family values we all appreciate and need.
Through conception and natural human development, God chose to become incarnate as each of us are created. Help us protect every person who was created in his image and likeness, by supporting our mission.
Please add ICE-PAC to your list of charitable organizations this Christmas Season. Rest assured, your donation will be used wisely and well. Thank you for your generosity! We look forward to keeping you posted on our plans for the next election season, as we reclaim the narrative from the abortion lobby.
Furthermore, your Christmas gift will help:
- Defend mainstream pro-life candidates
- Expose extreme pro-abortion candidates
- Educate voters throughout Illinois
- Persuade Independent voters in key districts
- Plan rallies, town halls, and protests on key issues and events
- Organize volunteers to canvass in key districts
- Build the Girls’ Health First initiative
- And much more
Our Christmas Appeal helps us influence laws that save the lives of innocent babies, by influencing important races in key districts throughout Illinois.
May the joy and truth of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ abide in your heart this Christmas and throughout the whole year!
Mary-Louise Hengesbaugh (Chair of the Board) & David Avignone (Executive Director)
PS. Please consider making your one-time Christmas donation by check in order to save the processing fees. Checks can be mailed to:
ICE-PAC – CHRISTMAS, PO Box 101158, Chicago, IL 60610
A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.